Video clips with Cluny the Scourge and his Army!
By Ratty (me)
"Capitan" Cluny/Ratty.
song by Natal'ja Gul'kina.
"Fog" - Cluny's Army - Sektor Gaza.
"Father - best friend" Cluny - Jube (his son)
song by Olga Rozhdestvenskaja.
"Song of pirate" - Cluny the Scourge
song by Mahail Bojarskij
Gang - Cluny the Scourge and his army.
song by band "Avarija"
Cluny/Cornflower- "Hellfire"
song from film "The Hunchback of Notre Dame"
Cluny the Scourge- "Infinity ocean"
song by Era
Cluny the Scourge- "Father combat"
song by band Lube
"Perfect enemy" - Cluny the Scourge/Matthias
song by band tATu
"My granny smokes pipe" - Cluny the Scourge
song by Garik Sukachev
"Gods of war" - Cluny the Scourge and his Army
song by band Manovar
"About him" - Cluny/ratty
song by Dubcova Irina.
"I will wait for you" - Cluny the Scourge/Ratty
song by Connie Francis
"Attack of the orcs" - Cluny the courge and his Army
song by band Battlelore
Shadow - A Knife of the Dark
from Lord of the Rings
Shadow - Pink bandage (Agata Kristi) (NEW!)
When there is the whip - there is the way - Army of Cluny the Scourge
Song from the 1980 animated Return of the King movie
Cluny/Ratty - I will wait for you, dear!"
Song by Kraski.
Slagar "Because she is my mother!" (Song by Igor Nadjiev) (NEW!)
Cluny the Scourge - Vasja - funny vid about how cool is Cluny! (NEW!)
Second lieutenant - Cheesethief! (Song by Irina Alegrova)
Cheesethief and Cluny the Scourge - "We will break, my king!" Song by Maksim Leonidov. (NEW!)
by wreathofpalmaria
by GentleFox
Cluny feat - Black Zapor
Vids about Vitch (NEW!)
By Ratty
Vitch- "The Sandpit Generals"
by Neschastnij Sluchaj
Vitch - "Neither there nor here"
Song by Agata Kristi
Vitch - Homeless child (Song by Hi Fi)
Vitch the rat - Return (NEW!)
Song by Chernila dlja 5-go klassa
от VailBloodyClaws
Витч - "Vitch is not one of us."
Song from the lion king 2
If you want to put your vids on this page - write me in guestbook with links on vids ;)
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