After hard drill, tactical exercises, after grueling fights and just after a hard day even Cluny wants to have a little rest. Yes, yes, even the great Cluny the Scourge wants to have a favorite cozy corner where you can relax with a business too. So, you are wellcome to the torture chamber!!!
Bird before tortures...
...and bird - AFTER!!!
Mmm... What to eat - an apple or a mouse? Oh, well - I will eat a mouse and have a bit of apple!
Cluny likes when enemies are raised paws UP!
Good grilled rabbit should be watered only white wine!
Somebody from the Army said that moles have brain too. We need to check...
Again forgot to salt!!!
Don't be lazy, fought well! Cluny likes soft chop!
Big badger - big pot! You can feed all army by her!
And funny animation for clunyfans!!!
And now everybody play game "Kill Matthias"!!!!
Kill Matthias!!!
Аnimation and pics by Black Dragon =)
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