Cluny the Scourge Marquee - Everything about Ratty - Ratty in real life
Ratty in real life

Hello, everyone!!! It's me in real life
What can I tell about myself? For example, that my real name is Vasilisa and I live in Russia, Moscow. I can write a lot of boring things about my job and studing, but I think that it's not very interesting. Let's write about my passions and favourites. I like a lot of animation films, especially with animals. In each film and book I like villians, I'm their fanat and admirer. VILLIANS, YOU ARE THE BEST! Most of all I love supporting bad guys like rats-officer
but Cluny, Cluny...CLUNY! He is - the best. He is the best villian of all times and nations. Besides, I like pirates, sea, adventures and again PIRATES! Cluny the Scourge is my villian forever. Ten years of my Clunymania put an effect on my look. Cluny, Cluny, Cluny the Scourge!!!
New Ratty-pirate photos! With new costume!

NEW ratty-pirate photos!
Last year photos ;)
Old photos;)))
My photos - I with Clunyfan's shirt, given by Datrank, me with my friends - Datrank and Martin, again me =)
All about Ratty
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